LOGO of Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group Co., LTD


胡昌升在省委理论学习中心组学习会上强调:深入Study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee 推动全省高质量共建“一带一路”取得实效
8月23日,根据省委常委会Study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee工作安排,省委理论学习中心组举行专题学习会,以“深度融入高质量共建‘一带一路’,着力提升全省开放型经济发展水平”为主题开展研讨交流。Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, province

Study and implement the theme education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

Study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee

Study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress


Study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee
Study and implement the spirit of the Party's 20 National Congress
The first phase of Yumen 1 million tons coal reserve Center project was completed and accepted
The secretary of grassroots Party organizations talked about the implementation | to build the quasi pulse of reform and development into a high ground of intellectual empowerment
编者按:党的二十届三中全会胜利召开以来,甘肃能化集团各基层党组织深入系统全面学习领会全会精神,持续掀起学习宣传贯彻全会精神热潮。From now on, the wechat public account of Gansu Nenghua Group opened a column of "Secretary of grassroots Party organizations to talk about implementation", which was successively published
Secretary of grassroots Party organizations talks about the implementation of | "riveting strength" drawing a "new picture scroll" for reform and development
编者按:党的二十届三中全会胜利召开以来,甘肃能化集团各基层党组织深入系统全面学习领会全会精神,持续掀起学习宣传贯彻全会精神热潮。From now on, the wechat public account of Gansu Nenghua Group opened a column of "Secretary of grassroots Party organizations to talk about implementation", which was successively published
The whole condenser of urea plant in Jinchang Coal Chemical project was successfully hoisted
8月23日,甘肃能化集团金昌低阶煤高效利用制氢及50万吨/年高浓度尿基复合肥项目尿素装置核心设备全冷凝器实现一次性吊装成功,为后续项目工艺管线施工安装奠定了坚实基础。As one of the main equipment of "four large parts" of urea plant
Secretary of primary-level Party organizations talks on implementation | Adhere to integrity and innovation, continue to deepen reform and write a new chapter in transformation and upgrading development
编者按:党的二十届三中全会胜利召开以来,甘肃能化集团各基层党组织深入系统全面学习领会全会精神,持续掀起学习宣传贯彻全会精神热潮。From now on, the wechat public account of Gansu Nenghua Group opened a column of "Secretary of grassroots Party organizations to talk about implementation", which was successively published
基层党组织书记谈落实 | 深学细悟党的二十届三中全会精神 聚力实干擦亮“兰煤品牌”
编者按:党的二十届三中全会胜利召开以来,甘肃能化集团各基层党组织深入系统全面学习领会全会精神,持续掀起学习宣传贯彻全会精神热潮。From now on, the wechat public account of Gansu Nenghua Group opened a column of "Secretary of grassroots Party organizations to talk about implementation", which was successively published
Secretary of grassroots Party organizations talks about implementing | To promote project construction under the guidance of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee
编者按:党的二十届三中全会胜利召开以来,甘肃能化集团各基层党组织深入系统全面学习领会全会精神,持续掀起学习宣传贯彻全会精神热潮。From now on, the wechat public account of Gansu Nenghua Group opened a column of "Secretary of grassroots Party organizations to talk about implementation", which was successively published
Gansu Nenghua Group Jinchang Company to carry out the "Golden autumn student aid dream sailing" activities
Gansu Nenghua Group Jinchang Company to "100 days of hard work" action to promote the project construction
8月15日,甘肃能化集团金昌公司结合低阶煤高效利用制氢及50万吨/年高浓度尿基复合肥项目建设实际,启动“百日攻坚”行动。引导公司全体共产党员、干部职工把深入Study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee、认真落实省委
The second Party branch of LAN Coal Institute "three leads and four drives" to promote the integration of party building and production and management to burst out new momentum
兰煤院公司第二党支部现有26名党员,3名预备党员,3名入党积极分子,主要从事矿山设计、监理、Survey and design、环境影响评价等多项业务。On the new journey of high-quality development, the second Party branch of the company adheres to the overall situation of central service and actively creates the "three guidance.
Gansu Nenghua Jinchang Energy and Chemical Development Co., LTD. Public recruitment announcement
甘肃能化金昌能源化工开发有限公司(简称“金昌公司”)地处甘肃省金昌市,是由Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group Co., LTD、金昌市国有资产投资运营有限公司、金昌市中天聚隆仓储物流有限责任公司三家股东共同出资组建成立的混合
Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group Co., Ltd. is open to the public recruitment of mature talents announcement
Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group Co., LTD是经甘肃省委省政府批准成立的省属国有能源化工企业,为上市公司(甘肃能化股份有限公司)控股股东,主要负责上市公司规范运行、股权管理、项目培育、资本运作,产业涉及煤炭宝威体育APP、化工
Gansu Province Coal resources development Investment limited liability company public recruitment announcement
甘肃省煤炭资源开发投资有限责任公司(以下简称煤投公司)是2011年3月按照《宝威体育APP》(甘政函〔2011〕28号)组建成立。Company registered capital 23.6
Gansu Nenghua Jinchang Energy and Chemical Development Co., LTD. Public recruitment announcement
甘肃能化金昌能源化工开发有限公司(简称“金昌公司”)地处甘肃省金昌市,是由Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group Co., LTD、金昌市国有资产投资运营有限公司、金昌市中天聚隆仓储物流有限责任公司三家股东共同出资组建成立的混合
The third inspection group of the provincial Party Committee visited the Party committee of Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group Co., LTD
按照省委统一部署,省委第三巡视组于2023年10月16日至12月31日对Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group Co., LTD党委进行巡视。根据《宝威体育APP》规定,巡视期间,巡视组主要受理反映Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group
Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group Co., Ltd. on sorting out the list of fake state-owned enterprises announcement
按照省政府国资委有关工作要求,我公司及各子公司通过接受社会公众举报、媒体曝光、平台自查、网络筛查等方式,全面开展“假冒国企〞名单清理排查工作。Up to now, no relevant situation has been found, hereby announced。Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group
Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group Co., Ltd. on the acceptance of counterfeit state-owned enterprise problem reporting method announcement
为严厉打击有关企业非法将Gansu Energy and Chemical Investment Group Co., LTD(以下简称甘肃能化集团)及所属企业注册为股东涉及的相关违法犯罪行为,广泛接受社会各界举报,拓宽违法线索搜集渠道,现将有关事宜公告如下。
Zhang Yuzhuo: Deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises
Hu Changsheng: Brave to further deepen the reform era mission
勇担进一步全面深化改革时代使命中共甘肃省委书记胡昌升党的二十届三中全会是在以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业的关键时期召开的一次十分重要的会议。The plenary session was systematically planned to focus on the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization
Communique of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
Communique of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(2024年7月18日中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议通过)中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第三次全体会议,于2024年7月15日至18日在北京举行
Must insist on self-confidence and self-reliance
Must insist on self-confidence and self-reliance※习近平一我们始终认为,各国的发展道路应由各国人民选择。The so-called "Chinese model" is a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics created by the Chinese people through their own struggles。We firmly believe that with the continuous development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, our system will certainly
Create a new situation of high-quality development in our country
Create a new situation of high-quality development in our country※习近平一我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,正处在转变发展方式、优化经济结构、转换增长动力的攻关期,建设现代化经济体系是跨越关口的迫切要求和我国发展的战略目标。Must be firm
Developing new quality productive forces is an inherent requirement and an important focus for promoting high-quality development
Developing new quality productive forces is an inherent requirement and an important focus for promoting high-quality development※习近平今天进行二十届中央政治局第十一次集体学习,内容是扎实推进高质量发展,目的是结合学习贯彻党的二十大和中央经济工作Conference spirit,总结新时代高质量发展
Comprehensively deepening reform and opening up will inject strong impetus into Chinese-style modernization
Comprehensively deepening reform and opening up will inject strong impetus into Chinese-style modernization※习近平中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议,于2013年11月9日至12日在北京举行。The plenum was presided over by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, delivered an important speech。新
To mobilize hundreds of millions of workers to actively participate in the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation
To mobilize hundreds of millions of workers to actively participate in the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation※习近平党的十八大以来,在党中央坚强领导下,我国工人阶级在党和国家事业发展中发挥了主力军作用,工运事业取得历史性成就,工会工作实现全方位进步。过去5
"Safety has my safety can be converted" staff essays published on | Establish the concept of safe development to build a strong line of safety production
"Safety has my safety can be converted" staff essay selection on | the eternal theme of safety production enterprises
"Safety has my safety can be converted" staff essay selection on | safety production will never fade the theme
"Safety has my safety can be transformed" staff essay selection published | in the safety foundation to find poetry and distance
"Safety has my safety can be converted" | Safety makes the flower of life bloom happily
My beloved family
Experience a variety of life in reading
Reading, like a ray of sunshine in life, shines on people's way forward。Whether in life or work, reading has become a way of life。Some people are good at reading, when they read the emotion, they can not help but cry;When I read a happy place, I will laugh and even dance。Perhaps, this is the charm of reading
My mother
My mother was born in the mid-1950s and is now in her 60s。母亲的一生,是集苦难与磨炼、不屈与奋斗的一生,她是我心灵的依靠,是我终生学习的榜样。Mother is a genuine farmer, grandmother gave birth to six children, the mother is the oldest, for
Reading, the origin of my life axis
看到这次征文主题的时候,脑海中就开始肆无忌惮的翻阅,翻阅这些年来我所阅读过的书籍,有些印象很深,细节内容都还历历在目,有些却已模糊不清,记不得当时所读所感了。Childhood memories, all fairy books, those nights with me
I don't admire mandarin ducks, I love books
As we all know, a few years ago, college enrollment was popular "goddess marketing" model。临近毕业,清华大学航天航空学院应届硕士生林某在社交网站发布了一张入学和毕业的对比照,入学前她晒得黝黑,而毕业时变得白净知性,不少人惊呼

产业板块 更多


The coal power sector is the foundation of the development of the group company and the expansion and extension of the industrial chain。There are 8 production mines with a total approved annual coal production capacity of 16.24 million tons and coal reserves of 8.8.6 billion tons, recoverable resource reserves 5.72亿吨。The total installed power capacity is 800 thousand kilowatts。随着景泰白岩子煤矿、肃北红沙梁煤矿、窑街深部及海石湾深部技术改造、罗川煤矿、红沙岗煤矿、东水泉煤矿等宝威体育开发建设及改扩建,Baiyin Thermal power phase II and Yaojie thermal power project construction and operation,It is expected that by 2025, the total coal production capacity will reach 29 million tons and the total installed power capacity will reach 3 million kilowatts。




Adhere to the idea of "relying on coal, extending coal, beyond coal",Promoting the clean and efficient use of coal as the main direction of transformation and upgrading,Consolidate the existing urea, synthetic ammonia, nitro-compound fertilizer, dilute (concentrated) nitric acid, ammonium nitrate dissolved wave and other chemical products,推动金昌低阶煤高效利用制氢及50万吨/年高浓度尿基复合肥、白银清洁高效气化气综合利用、窑煤油页岩炼油产品深加工等项目建设运营,To realize the coordinated development of traditional chemical industry and fine coal chemical industry。目前化工产品年总产能达115万吨,预计2025年化工产品年产能将宝威体育300万吨。



New energy

Seize the strategic opportunity of peak carbon neutrality,According to the idea of "systematic planning, block development, clean application",Relying on our province wind, light and other resource advantages,Revitalize coal mining subsidence areas and shut down idle land in abandoned mines,We will promote the cultivation and development of "photovoltaic +" comprehensive utilization industry projects in a coordinated manner,We will accelerate the construction of a new energy industry chain in photovoltaic + agriculture, source grid charging and storage, and hydrogen energy utilization,探索发展“风、光、火、氢、储”、“离网制氢”、“换电重卡”、“浅层地热”利用等新耦合业务,Strive to "fourteen five" new energy power installed capacity of 1 million kilowatts,In the long term, it will reach more than 5 million kilowatts。


New energy

Investment financing

In line with the concept of "promoting finance by production, assisting production by finance, coordinating production and finance, and developing efficiently",Give play to the group and listed companies two investment and financing platform functions,On the basis of strengthening cooperation with financial institutions and broadening investment and financing channels,Around Gansu coal trading center, coal storage and blending base industry chain and small loan company business,Create a new model of coal trading and financial services integrating "coal trade + warehousing logistics + supply chain finance"。力争2025年金融板块资产宝威体育10亿元以上,总收入2亿元以上,为项目建设、转型发展提供有力保障。


Investment financing

Survey and design

Adhere to "based on the Gansu market,Northwest facing,Consolidate coal design,Increase the share of non-coal,We will promote general contracting of projects,Building an engineering company "overall goal,Lanzhou Coal Mine Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. as the main body,Step by step to promote Jingyuan Coal Industry Engineering Survey and Design Co., Ltd. and Yaojie Coal power Engineering Design Company resource integration and reconstruction,Gradually formed covering design, consulting, scientific research and testing services,An integrated platform for collaborative layout of services such as project general contracting,Strive to build northwest coal investigation and design first-class enterprises and well-known brands。


Survey and design

Non-coal mining

Other non-coal industries of the Group are built on and depend on coal。There are mainly construction materials, equipment manufacturing, modern agriculture and service industries。作为煤炭主业的保障要素和产业延伸,通过整合商贸物流服务板块,提升产能规模和运行质量,整合农业类资产成立新公司,加大资源资金支持,培育辅业做精做优,力争形成与主业同比发展的多元化产业格局。


Non-coal mining

China Civilization Network

Party network building

Party Style clean government network

China Civilization Network
Party network building
Party Style clean government network
Brand image

Coal-based multi-energy complementary long chain strong chain green development

Enterprise honor

Enterprise honor

The 201st place on the list of "China Energy (Group) Top 500" in 2022。
In 2022, China's top 50 coal enterprises ranked 42nd, and China's coal production of more than 10 million tons ranked 28th。
